乃木公園・旧乃木邸 Nogi Park/Former Nogi Residence
旧乃木邸は、日清・日露戦争の両戦役に従事し、明治天皇崩御の後に殉死された陸軍大将乃木希典の邸宅です。現存する家屋は、乃木大将がドイツ留学中に見たフランス連隊本部を参考にして、自らの設計により明治35 年(1902)に新築されたものです。明治期の将官の邸宅は接客を目的とする豪華な建物が多かったのに比べ、旧乃木邸の外観は黒塗りの板張りで飾り気がなく、内部も極めて簡素かつ合理的に造られており、明治期の和洋折衷建築としても貴重なものとなっています。
馬小屋は母屋が改築される以前の、明治22 年(1889)に建てられました。煉瓦造り、日本瓦葺きの平屋建てで、母屋より立派であったことから、「新坂の馬屋敷」と称されて評判になったといいます。煉瓦は英国から取り寄せるほどのこだわりぶりで、馬を大切にした乃木大将の人柄が偲ばれます。
This park faces Gaien Higashi Avenue and Nogizaka, just outside Nogizaka Station. The site was the estate of Count Nogi Maresuke (1849–1912), an army general who served in the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars. It was bequeathed to the City of Tokyo as a park at the Count’s bequest and opened in 1913. Minato-ku currently manages it.
The park’s south side has two rest areas with benches where the former Nogi residence and stable are preserved. A staircase links the two rest areas, and under the staircase, large Japanese cherry trees spread their branches and cover the space with their leaves in summer, creating a cool, shady spot. We recommend viewing the cherry blossoms when they are at their best from the top of the stairs.
Stainless steel pipes are installed throughout the park, harmonizing with the plants and the ambience of the former Nogi residence, creating an artistic space that resembles an outdoor museum exhibit.
*The former Nogi residence and stable
The former Nogi residence belonged to Nogi Maresuke, an army general who served in both the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars and who committed ritual suicide after the Meiji Emperor’s death. The present house was designed by General Nogi and constructed in 1902. The design is based on the French regimental headquarters he saw while studying in Germany. Compared to the luxurious residences of military generals during the Meiji period, which were often built for entertaining guests, the exterior of the former Nogi residence is a plain, black-stained wood-paneled building with an extremely simple, streamlined interior, making it a valuable example of blending Japanese and Western architecture during the Meiji period.
The stable was built in 1889 before the main building was renovated. The one-story brick building with a Japanese tile roof was statelier than the main house and was thus called Niizaka no Umayashiki, or the “horse residence of Niizaka,” thereby acquiring a reputation. The bricks were carefully sourced from the UK, attesting to the character of General Nogi, who cherished his horses.
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園内のサクラも綺麗です The Japanese cherry trees in the park are beautiful.
旧乃木邸 The former Nogi residence
馬小屋 The stable

・Trash can
・Former Nogi Residence
・Emergency well
8-11-32, Akasaka, Minato-ku
公園情報Park information
お問合せ 高橋是清翁記念公園管理事務所
住所 港区赤坂七丁目3番39号
電話 03-6384-5113
FAX 03-6384-5116
Opening hours of the former Nogi residence
The former Nogi residence is closed
Year-end and New Year holidays
(from December 29 to January 3)
*Open to the public/Tour of the former Nogi residence
After the ritual suicides of Count and Countess Nogi, the former Nogi residence and stable were donated to the City of Tokyo at their bequest and are tangible cultural properties of Minato-ku.
The residence's interior is usually closed to the public in order to protect it as a cultural heritage site, but its exterior, stable, and garden are available for viewing. The residence's interior may also be viewed from an outside viewing path.
The residence is opened to the public three times a year. The Nogi family's valuable mementos are displayed during this open house. The detailed schedule for public viewing is posted on this website’s event information as well as on Facebook and Instagram.
* Cultural properties are valuable assets that should be preserved for posterity, and periodic conservation and repairs are required to protect them. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Contact Takahashi Korekiyo-o Memorial Park Office
Address 7-3-39, Akasaka, Minato-ku
Phone 03-6384-5113
Fax 03-6384-5116